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Family Legal Advice


John Kilcoyne & Company provide dedicated client care and clear and pragmatic advice.

If you have recently lost a loved one and are named as an executor you are legally responsible for winding up their estate. We understand this can be a daunting and stressful task at an already difficult time and our team of experienced and sympathetic solicitors can help guide you through the process.

The first thing to do is to locate the Will. This may be amongst the deceased’s personal papers or it may be held by their solicitor. If there is no Will, an executor will be appointed by the Court.

The next step is for the executor to prepare an inventory of the deceased’s estate property (property, money, savings, investments, personal items, furniture, etc). Once this is done, the executor must next obtain ‘confirmation’ from the local Sheriff Court. This is a formal process which grants them the power to deal with the estate. This normally includes:
  1. Closing the deceased's bank accounts
  2. Selling any property in the estate
  3. Collecting or transferring any shares in the estate
  4. Making any claims in respect of life insurance policies or death related pension benefits.
Winding up an estate can be a time-consuming and complex task. The process can often take several months and executors are personally liable for any mistakes made. It is important to take advice early on to ensure you are following the correct procedure.

To make an appointment
with a family lawyer. Call Us on
0141 423 1400
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