John Kilcoyne & Company provide dedicated client care and clear and pragmatic advice.
Collaborative Practice
We are of the view a collaborative approach to family disputes offers clients a tailored alternative to litigation. This process can achieve an outcome that is best suited to the particular needs of your family. It is an approach which allows the clients to be actively involved in the negotiations and discussions rather than leaving that to their lawyers.
Each party will have their own trained collaborative lawyer to advise them through the entire process. If the couple decide the collaborative process is for them a four way meeting is set up. The process ensures clients have greater control of the discussions and negotiations which all take place. There is no written correspondence passed between lawyers. It is an approach which can specifically assist clients who strongly want to reach settlement without having to resort to litigation, but who are not in a position to agree matters themselves.
At the first four way meeting, the parties and their collaborative lawyers sign an agreement about their commitment to the process. The lawyers work together, not against one another, in the interests of you, your partner or spouse and your children. Other consultants can become involved such as Counsellors and Financial Advisors. The objective of the meetings is to reach an agreement on how the finances will be shared and what arrangements need to be made for any children.
Benefits of Collaborative approach:
- Reduces emotional impact on family
- Protects children from hostility
- Couples retain greater control of the decision making process
- Avoids the uncertainty of a decision imposed by the court process
- Less expensive and quicker than litigation
- Helps maintain more effective long term relationships